Walking On e-Magazine

Advertising Rates

$75.00 - Full Page 8.5" x 11" (includes design for up to two photos)
$45.00 - Half Page Horizontal 8.5" x 5.5" (includes design for one photo)
$45.00 - Half Page Vertical 4.25" x 11" (includes design for one photo)
$30.00 - Quarter Page 4.25" x 5.5" (includes design for one photo)

An additional charge of $10.00 will be applied for each additional photo.
No additional photo charges will be applied for ads that are submitted camera-ready.

Walking On Bulletin Board
$40.00 per year - 30 words text only
$75.00 per year - 30 words with photo or logo
Phone, email, & website do not count toward 30 word limit.

All ads include live links to websites.

Walking On is emailed to the membership of the
Walking Horse Owners' Association.

It is also made available on this website and at

For more information or to reserve space in an upcoming issue Contact Us.

two horse pictures